Monday, December 21, 2009

6 Year Old Grief

Just wanted you all to know that we are getting into the yucky part of Lafe's grief process. We are consulting one of our ministers who has a lot of experience and education on grief. He tells us that the things Lafe is doing and saying are healthy. However, they are not fun to be experiencing!!!

Just for example, not wanting to go to sleep last night because he was scared. Waking up in the middle of the night because he had a scary dream. And, today I found him curled up on the floor singing to himself. When I stopped and listened to him he was singing "Don't talk about it. Don't talk about it. Don't talk about Jodi."

My heart breaks over and over again everyday. I know these last few posts have been sad and depressing, but we need your prayers.


Meg said...

I am praying for sweet Lafe and for you and David to have wisdom as you work through this. I love you!

Dana said...

Oh, my! Parenthood/life sure do provide us a lot of challenges, don't they? I'll pray for you as you get him through this tough time. Love you!