Tuesday, July 21, 2009

World Turned Upside Down!!!

Sorry for being such a boring blogger. We are having a GREAT summer! I love having my kids home with me. I am dreading school starting. I like to be on our own schedule and be able to do WHATEVER we want to do WHENEVER we want to do it!!!

We are currently in the process of selling our house and buying a new one. Our house went under contract last Thursday and we have found a house now that we are about to put an offer on. Please be praying about this for us. We will be closing and moving the first week of school!!!!!!!!!! Yikes! Not great timing, but God's timing.

It's funny because over the last 5 months while our house has been on the market I've seen a lot of homes come and go that I really liked. I was beginning to feel like there wouldn't be anything available for us when it came time. I prayed HARD that God would take care of us and have the perfect house ready for us when our house sold. The house we are putting an offer on has only been on the market 11 days!!! He saved it just for us!!! Prasie God!

We are very excited, but this whole process has been so daunting and my emotions are whacked out and my body is exhausted. I'm ready to get everything going so that David and I can enjoy our vacation next week for our 10th wedding anniversary.

Oh, yeah! We've been married 10 years as of July 3rd. Is that not crazy? And, we are going to New York City for a few days to celebrate! I don't want to be completely consumed with the whole house situation while we are there. So, that's something else you can pray about for us.


Rebecca said...

Don't worry about the house while you are gone. Enjoy NYC, enjoy being alone with your hubby, enjoy being married for 10 years!

We have some great maps of NYC and the subway system if you want to borrow them. I actually found them in my camera bag while we were in Florida. I also have a couple of travel books with ideas of stuff. Email me if you're interested in any of it.

Have a great week with your boys!

Rory and Cindy said...

Wow, conrats on the house selling! Consider yourself lucky (or blessed ;)) ours has been on the market for over a YEAR. Happy Anniversary and have fun in NYC!!!

Kayla said...

Congrats on 10 years! I'll be praying that all of the buying, selling, and moving goes smoothly.

Dana said...

Hey, girl! I am waaaayyyyyy behind in reading blogs, but I just wanted to say congrats on all this house stuff. I know you'll be so happy when it's all over. I'll talk with you more later!