Monday, June 1, 2009

Smart Boys

Lafe never ceases to amaze us with his vocabulary. He is always using big words for things that don't seem typical for 5 year olds to say.

This is the conversation I just heard from the living room:

(I think I came in on the middle of it.)

Wade: "Lafe, do you know what delicate means?"

Lafe: "Yes, it means fragile. And, fragile means it will break easily."

This cracked me up! He answered with another word that could have easily stumped a 5 year old. This may not mean anything to all of you, but ask anyone in my family and they'll tell you his vocabulary is pretty spectacular. This is just a very simple example.

1 comment:

Kayla said...

This is hilarious! All your boys are so smart! I was also cracking up at the "Susan's Got Talent" comment. Where do they come up with this stuff?